What I believe
I believe that we are each here for a purpose.
I believe that the world needs each of us to bring our full presence into the world.
I believe that all of us have a beautiful, pure and radiant energy within us that is calling for expression in our lives.
I hear from others, and know for myself, the pain that results when that full expression is obstructed in our lives.
Whatever our race or culture, sexuality or gender, ability or age, every one of us is a precious gift to the world.
I believe and know that I am here to help others shine their light clearly and brightly, express their gifts powerfully and authentically.
And I am here to do that myself, as well.
This is my story.
How I became a hypnotherapist...
I grew up in a dysfunctional alcoholic family, disconnected from my authentic self, and not understanding why I was so depressed. Unsurprisingly, I ended up in therapy.
When I was 19, a single hypnotherapy session with that therapist freed me from an unhealthy dependency on my family of origin and changed the course of my life. That sessions planted a seed that blossomed many years later into my present career.
Then I went to Europe
As a result of that one hypnotherapy session, I traveled to Europe and lived happily in France and Italy for several years. I studied languages and music, soaked up the sun in Provence and Tuscany, and started to discover who I was.
I finally settled in London, England, where I trained as a psychotherapist. I got married, and ran a highly successful private practice. I trained in transpersonal and humanistic psychotherapies. I practiced Buddhist meditation and attended many silent meditation retreats. I designed and ran numerous therapeutic groups. I studied psychological astrology, spiritual healing, and esoteric science. I ran staff support groups, including one in Pentonville prison. I co-managed a busy psychotherapy training center. I did thousands of sessions, and I helped hundreds and hundreds of clients improve their lives.
And I began to burn out out.
Then I found out I was pregnant. My first thought was, "Thank God, I can stop." Which (as you'll know if you've ever looked after an infant) was rather adorably naive. But I did change my life.
Back to the USA
After 12 years in clinical practice as a psychotherapist, I moved back to the United States with my British husband, and I took a sabbatical to be a mom.
I lived in an old farmhouse in the Pacific Northwest, surrounded by apple trees. As I parented and homeschooled our daughter, I had time to reflect on my psychotherapy career. I realized that yes, my clients had healed...but it had taken such a long time. And mostly, that length of time seemed unnecessary.
Searching for a better way...
When it was time for me to think about working with people again, I knew in my heart that there had to be a better way. I thought about that one hypnotherapy session in my teens, and how it had transformed my life. And I started looking into hypnotherapy training.
That’s when I realized I could get certified as a hypnotherapist with just 100 hours of training, or even less.
That didn’t seem right to me.
So I completed three different hypnotherapy training programs—two in the US and one in Canada—to gain the level of skill in hypnotherapy that I knew I wanted for myself and my clients. After 850 hours of hypnotherapy training, I was satisfied I had found the ‘better way’ that I’d been searching for.
What I do now

Now I work as a clinical, medical support, and transpersonal hypnotherapist in New Mexico and online. I am a board-certified clinical and medical support hypnotherapist, and a Fellow of the International Board of Hypnotherapy.
Since 2011, I’ve been helping clients reach their goals and heal with hypnotherapy.
I am also an associate instructor and clinical skills coach at the renowned Hypnotherapy Academy of America, one of the finest hypnotherapy training institutes in the world, of which I am also a graduate. I’m proud to be mentoring the next generation of clinical hypnotherapists to bring healing and positive change to the world.
Here's what I want you to know
Whatever problems you are facing, I want you to know that there is a way through, and you can find it.
And it's important that you do.
The world needs you. The world needs all of us now. Even our smallest actions send powerful ripples out into the universe.
I would be honored to help you to free yourself and shine your glorious self into the world, because you are important.
You matter.
I'm glad you're here.